Monday 2 March 2015


You should be completing any remaining tasks from the filming phase (see booklet and blog posts).
As soon as you have filmed any material, get it logged and captured in the way you have been taught by Sophie.
You need to ensure that all editing tasks are completed by the deadline MARCH 20th.
Set group and individual objectives for every lesson.
Note these on your blog and evaluate your progress at the end of every lesson.

Spot checks on group progress:
Alex, Amy, Sophie - good work on blog - filming in process
Jonny, Tom, Joachim - more images/links/colour needed on blog, with more depth and detail to posts. No evidence on the blog of filming taking place - make sure filming is discussed and illustrated as it happens. Audience research?
Ben, Stephen, Nigel - good blogging. More needed on the blog about editing progress, decisions, choices
Stephen (more presence needed on blog, with more detailed and conscientious work needed), Jacob (still only minimal work on blog). Your group now needs to film urgently, and make sure all stages recorded and explained on the blog
Connor, Jack, Oli - your blog still needs a great deal of work doing on it. Far more effort is needed to record your progress adequately, and ensure that each of you is represented for the purpose of marking. There is no evidence here of filming, which I know you've started, but it must be discussed and illustrated on the blog. Level 1/2
Sofia, Zoe, Jess - good progress overall

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