Wednesday 26 March 2014


As soon as you have had your lesson on titling, you should proceed with designing your film title and incorporating it into your opening. Remember  - the task is to create the opening of a thriller film WITH TITLES, so this is assessed as part of the product. Try to be creative, and study other examples carefully. As part of your research marks, you EACH need to analyse the design and presentation of at least 3 different thriller film titles. You can also use TV Drama titling as part of your inspiration or research, but you must explain why you have chosen to use the specific example you have analysed.

Ensure that you consider how the film title, graphics, music, and placement, all work in the overall construction of the sequence.What do they contribute to the meaning about character, mood, atmosphere or any aspect of narrative?

The following links to relevant websites might help, but you are expected to find your own examples, which must be different to those of others in your group. This is individual and independent research. very useful site for looking at title and credit ideas.

A useful short YOUTUBE interview with title designers another useful link

Do NOT simply reproduce an analysis of those that we have covered in class.

This is also a good interview to watch on YouTube.

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