Wednesday 13 March 2013


Deadline Four - Final Product

Film and sound editing to be completed and saved to the network.

Create a back-up of your work – eg a dvd version, or upload to youtube on our channel: centralsussexhh.

Again editing processes, decisions, choices, the experience itself, all to be recorded on the group blog.

Friday 22nd March, 4.10 
Between now and then, make sure that you are recording all of your editing decisions on the blog with illustrations from the mac screens. Discuss different transitions, explaining the reasons for them; use terms for editing; discuss problems and issues editing sound and vision together; discuss and explain any alterations to the storyboard; continue to post your own explanations and evidence of involvement with your name at the head of the post, to ensure you get the marks for your own work; continue to make comparisons between your work and real thriller film openings; go to see as many thrillers as you can.
Once you have done the lesson on titling, or as soon as you're ready, do your own individual research on titles in real thriller openings (name, design, interaction between main film shots and title etc) and explain what you have learned, and how you intend to use that learning.
Begin to design your own titles asap.

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