Thursday 13 December 2012


When you have uploaded illustrations and a few lines to define each of the 3 Continuity techniques you are being assessed on, you're ready to start planning!

EACH STORYBOARD FRAME MUST CONTAIN THE INFORMATION BELOW, AND EACH SHOT MUST BE TIMED IN SECONDS. Remember the finished sequence lasts 1 min and shots must be timed to last around 1 min total in the finished film. Draw the frame from each shot on a post it note. Remember that each frame is a 'snapshot' in the total shot, so needs further explanation than just a drawing. Annotations are needed, ALSO AN ANIMATIC.

When you've finished the storyboard on post-it notes, move on to the Animatic.
What is an Animatic?

An animatic is a filmed version of the storyboard with audio commentary. You need to film each of your storyboard frames and make each shot last exactly the time in seconds you've planned for the shot in your finished sequence. Your animatic should then last 1 min as your final film will. If your commentary takes you over the 1 mins (likely) you may need to have 2 versions - 1 that is 1 min, and another with your commentary.
The commentary will explain all of the information you need to include in a storyboard (eg shot size, movement, character movement, sound). Here's an example of an animatic

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