Monday 12 March 2012


You should now have started editing your opening. Note the deadline below - it's not long!
Don't forget that you should be blogging about the filming and editing processes, and that EACH OF YOU must be represented in this with individual posts. Discuss as a group how best to divide this up, but you need to discuss techniques, choices, decisions and illustrate this with screen grabs from the mac or links to other sites for examples.

In one lesson this week, we'll be teaching Titles/Credits design. These should have been integrated with your storyboard and animatic, and now need to be integrated with the film as you edit. 'The Killing' (DANISH VERSION - which is much better!) is an example of interesting titling.

Deadline Four - Final Product

Film and sound editing to be completed and saved to the network in the finished folder. Check with Andy or Ollie that it's in the correct place, as this will be the version we mark! 

Create a back-up of your work – eg a dvd version, or upload to youtube on our channel: centralsussexhh.

Again editing processes, decisions, choices, the experience itself, all to be recorded on the group blog.

Friday 23rd March

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