Thursday 3 February 2011


You all need to start planning now, and all tasks listed for the next deadline on Friday February 11th:

Deadline Two – Pre-Production Planning

A completed Storyboard (preferably having used post its). This needs to be made into an animatic and embedded onto the blog.

Planning for your opening sequence:
- a synopsis for the whole film narrative from which this will be the opening (about 100 words),
- the script,
- list of roles,
- imagery of locations and decisions about locations,
- prop research,
- health and safety, including risk assessments for filming and use of equipment.
- lighting decisions.
Blog Heading “Pre-Production Planning”(clearly label which group member has taken responsibility for each of the various posts).

Again, consider blog format – images, text, screen grabs, embedded video, hyperlinks, etc

If you want to film over half term, this needs to be handed in earlier in order that we can check it through and grant permission.

Deadline - Friday 11th February

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