Thursday 17 February 2011


Study the list of tasks carefully for this period. You will need to use time effectively to make sure you keep to schedule, but also be prepared to re- shoot if the footage isn't good enough. Leave plenty of material either end of a shot to edit, and pay very close attention to framing.
Check the assessment criteria carefully (linked below).

Thursday 10 February 2011


Don't forget that the planning deadline is tomorrow!
Study the list of tasks due by tomorrow to make sure that your group is ready. Check that each of you is represented on the blog, with your names appearing at the top for archiving and assessment purposes. Once your plans have been checked by your supervisor, you may proceed to the filming stage. Remember you can film in double lessons as long as you sign out and don't miss any other subjects' lessons.

Monday 7 February 2011


You are not permitted by law or youtube to add copyrighted music to your animatics. You have not been advised to do this, and instead you should be adding a voice-over commentary to the animatic explaining each shot and techniques planned in detail. If you have uploaded an animatic with music to youtube, you must remove it immediately to avoid youtube removing it and losing work. Upload again with voice over. Without a voice over, your storyboard is less likely to be clear enough to be accepted by your supervisor.

Thursday 3 February 2011


You all need to start planning now, and all tasks listed for the next deadline on Friday February 11th:

Deadline Two – Pre-Production Planning

A completed Storyboard (preferably having used post its). This needs to be made into an animatic and embedded onto the blog.

Planning for your opening sequence:
- a synopsis for the whole film narrative from which this will be the opening (about 100 words),
- the script,
- list of roles,
- imagery of locations and decisions about locations,
- prop research,
- health and safety, including risk assessments for filming and use of equipment.
- lighting decisions.
Blog Heading “Pre-Production Planning”(clearly label which group member has taken responsibility for each of the various posts).

Again, consider blog format – images, text, screen grabs, embedded video, hyperlinks, etc

If you want to film over half term, this needs to be handed in earlier in order that we can check it through and grant permission.

Deadline - Friday 11th February