Thursday 27 January 2011

Help with the thriller research

These are the summary points discussed in class as part of the conventions work. Use them and the notes you made in class to remind you of terms you need to use and what to say about thriller openings.

Create headings for each of you '(name)'s research' to show that each of you are represented on the blog. Comment on effective thriller techniques and those that you find inspirational. Try to include comments linking to any ideas you already have for your own film. Make all comments purposeful.


·establishing shots to give character context/location
·CUs to foreground props and character detail
·shallow depth of field to draw attention to objects of significance
·framing may conceal identity (restrict view) - called restricted narration - where only parts of body are visible
·still (tripod) camera work (observation? suspense?)
·hand held camera for realism and/or subjectivity

Mise en scene

·variety of exterior settings, but often urban , or rural (rarely suburban like Haywards Heath!)
·interior settings often reflect threat or sinister action
·props may add to characterisation, OR may create ENIGMA
·low key lighting
·desaturated colour
·costume, hair, make-up create realism and/or signal who spectator is expected to dislike or like


·continuity editing used for sense, flow, coherence and realism
·parallel editing used to connect 2 characters or places - simultaneous action
·cross cutting used to connect 2 or more characters and CREATE SUSPENSE
·occasionally: DISCONTINUITY EDITING (jump cuts) used to fragment and disrupt sequence, matching unsettling mood


·diegetic sound used for realism and/or mood
·non diegetic sound as music or sound fx used to construct mood/atmosphere and suspense
·dialogue used sparingly

Types of Character (Archetypes of the genre)

·binary oppositions between protagonist/hero and villain/antagonist are common, but may not be introduced in the opening
·thriller antagonists are always human (not supernatural)
·it may not be clear who is to be trusted in the opening
·ENIGMA may be created around character
·there may be minimal dialogue


·urban decay



Story Order (narrative)

·chronological and non-chronological order
·some use of flashbacks
·events in early narrative may create binary opposition between good and evil

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